Just a touch

and you call your loved ones


Nonny is a device developed in the smallest detail for seniors to easily video call their loved ones at any time.

Nonny is a unique device which, in only a few seconds connects offspring/parents and grandparents/grandchildren. It offers a new way of communicating specially for those who are less familiar with technology and find smartphones more difficult to use.
Nonny eliminates every user barrier:  it is sufficient in fact to touch the pictures of those dear to you to start a video call in just a matter of seconds.



Nonny is simple and easy to use.  The interface and practical aspects available break down all barriers to communication.


Nonny connects only those who wish to be in contact with you.  There is no space for intruders or for the diffficulties of using of the internet.  It is like being in the family!


A revolutionary product which offers seniors and those who are more fragile the ability to stay connected with their families as often as they like.


Matilde e lo zio Aldo

“Anche Matilde adesso può abbracciare virtualmente lo zio Aldo con Nonny e vi assicuro che lo zio si scioglie nel vedere i suoi occhioni. Grazie Nonny in questo anno di distanze un po’ di sano ottimismo ci fa ben sperare”

Nonna Carmen

“La mia Mamma è in struttura e il Nonny è stato la nostra “Ancora di salvezza”… Ci sentiamo e vediamo 3 o 4 volte al dì e, detto anche da lei, se non avessimo avuto il Nonny, non avrebbe affrontato questo periodo….”


or small?

Choose your Nonny!

Additional minutes bundles

You can purchase extra minutes

In any moment, you can always purchase minutes packs to recharge your credit


they say